It is recommended that landlords perform a Legionella risk assessment every two years to meet their legal duty in ensuring that the risk of exposure of tenants to Legionella is properly assessed and controlled.

We are always looking for additional ways to add extra value to our client’s services that in turn helps provide a better service to their landlords. Legionella risk assessment makes a lot of sense for us as we have the right skill set to ensure this work is carried out to the highest levels and can in turn be offered in addition to our inventory management services.

Outsourcing this activity through us is an efficient and cost-effective way for landlords, agents and property managers to demonstrate they are compliant. We can perform the risk assessment as a separate visit or whilst we are already attending the property for a check-in, check-out or mid-term report allowing for us to offer better overall value.

Legionella is a bacteria naturally found in water systems. Whilst the bacteria at low levels do not pose a health risk, under certain conditions, in water storage tanks for example, and in certain temperature ranges, the bacteria can multiply increasing the risk of Legionnaire’s Disease. Risk increases in water systems that are unused for any period of time; making rental properties particularly vulnerable. Legionnaire’s is a potentially fatal disease with flu-like symptoms often mistaken for pneumonia contracted by inhaling bacteria contained in water droplets.

We are to provide full checks of the entire water system in residential property including water tanks in lofts, pipes, taps, toilet and shower systems. The risk assessment will indicate whether any action is required on the part of the landlord and if not is a record demonstrating compliance in protecting tenants.

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