In an era where the real estate landscape is continuously evolving, safety and efficiency in property management have never been more critical. The importance of a meticulous property inventory process cannot be overstated, especially when adapting to the current challenges. At No Letting Go, we’re committed to providing landlords and property managers with state-of-the-art solutions that not only streamline inventory management but also ensure compliance and safety. Here are some best practices for property inventory in today’s real estate environment.

Leverage Technology for Contactless Inventories
The ongoing global health crisis has underscored the need for minimal contact solutions. Utilising digital inventory tools like No Letting Go’s Kaptur software enables property managers to conduct comprehensive inventories without the need for face-to-face interactions. This approach not only reduces health risks but also enhances efficiency, allowing for real-time updates and access to inventory reports.

Implement Rigorous Health and Safety Checks
Now more than ever, health and safety checks are an integral part of the property inventory process. Ensuring that properties meet current health guidelines and safety regulations is paramount. This includes checking for proper ventilation, ensuring fire safety measures are in place, and verifying the functionality of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. A thorough inventory provides an opportunity to assess these critical elements throughout the year.

Maintain Detailed Records
Accurate and detailed record-keeping has always been a cornerstone of effective property management. In the current landscape, it becomes even more significant. Detailed records help in tracking the condition of the property over time, documenting any changes or damages, and proving compliance with safety regulations. In the event of disputes or legal challenges, having meticulously maintained records can be invaluable.

Prioritise Transparency with Tenants
Clear communication and transparency with tenants are essential, particularly when conducting inventories. Inform tenants about the processes in place and the steps being taken to ensure their safety. Providing tenants with access to inventory reports fosters trust and can help in quickly resolving any discrepancies or concerns.

Stay Informed on Regulatory Changes
The real estate sector is subject to frequent regulatory changes, especially concerning health and safety standards. Staying informed on these changes and adapting your inventory process accordingly is crucial for compliance. Regularly review your practices and ensure they align with the latest guidelines and regulations.

Focus on Sustainability
Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important factor for tenants. Incorporating sustainability checks into your property inventory process—such as assessing energy efficiency and identifying opportunities for green improvements—can not only enhance the property’s appeal but also contribute to long-term sustainability goals.

Engage Professional Services
While technology offers excellent tools for inventory management, the expertise of professional inventory clerks remains indispensable. Engaging services like No Letting Go ensures that your inventories are conducted by experienced professionals, providing peace of mind and freeing up valuable time to focus on other aspects of property management.

Adapting to the current real estate landscape requires a proactive approach to property inventory management. By embracing technology, prioritising safety, and adhering to best practices, landlords and property managers can navigate these challenging times effectively. No Letting Go remains committed to supporting our clients through innovative solutions and expert services, ensuring that safety and efficiency are at the forefront of every property inventory.

In the digital age, property professionals require systems that can keep pace with the fast-moving property market while providing the accuracy and efficiency needed to manage vast portfolios. No Letting Go’s cloud-based inventory management system represents a seismic shift in property management – empowering agents, landlords, and property managers with a suite of tools designed for success in the modern era.

Revolutionising Property Inventory Management

No Letting Go is at the vanguard of property inventory management, offering a cloud-based solution that brings unparalleled efficiency to the task of managing rental properties. Our system is tailored to meet the demands of today’s property professionals, providing them with the capability to perform their roles with greater precision and less effort.

The Cloud Advantage
Our inventory management system is hosted in the cloud, which means you can access your property inventories anytime, anywhere. Gone are the days of office-bound databases and paper-based systems susceptible to loss and damage. With No Letting Go, your data is secure, backed up, and easily retrievable, ensuring continuity and peace of mind.

Real-Time Updates and Collaborations
Real-time data is the lifeblood of property management. Our system allows for instant updates and seamless collaboration among team members, no matter their location. This immediacy ensures that property professionals can make informed decisions quickly, respond to tenants’ needs promptly, and manage properties more proactively.

Streamlining Operations
Efficiency is more than a buzzword; it’s the cornerstone of effective property management. Our system streamlines the entire inventory process, from creating entries to scheduling inspections and generating reports. This consolidation of tasks eliminates redundancy, saves time, and reduces the likelihood of errors, allowing professionals to focus on higher-value activities.

A Tailored Experience
Every property is unique, and so are the needs of every property professional. No Letting Go understands this, which is why our cloud-based system offers customizability to fit the specific needs of our clients. Whether it’s bespoke reporting or integrating with other property management software, we ensure our system works for you, not the other way around.

The No Letting Go Edge

Cutting-Edge Reporting
Property reports are critical documents in the rental process. Our cloud-based system enables the generation of detailed, professional reports that can withstand legal scrutiny and provide clear evidence should disputes arise. These reports are essential for protecting the interests of landlords and tenants alike.

Proactive Maintenance
A well-maintained property is the key to tenant satisfaction and retention. Our inventory management system includes maintenance tracking features that alert property professionals to potential issues before they become costly repairs, ensuring that properties remain in top condition.

Training and Support
At No Letting Go, we don’t just provide a platform; we offer comprehensive training and support to ensure that our clients can maximise the benefits of our system. Our dedicated team is always ready to assist with any queries, demonstrating our commitment to your success.

No Letting Go’s cloud-based inventory management system is more than just a tool; it’s a game-changer in the property industry. It empowers property professionals to manage their portfolios with an unprecedented level of control and efficiency. In an ever-competitive market, our system is the ally that property professionals need to excel. Join the revolution and experience the future of property inventory management with No Letting Go.

Housing is more than just shelter; it’s a cornerstone of wellbeing and a foundation for personal and community development. In the UK, the Decent Homes Standard has been a benchmark for the quality of residential properties. This comprehensive guide aims to unravel what the Decent Homes Standard entails and its significance for tenants, landlords, and housing professionals.

What is the Decent Homes Standard?

The Decent Homes Standard is a policy that was introduced by the UK government to improve the condition of public housing. It’s a criterion that social housing must meet to be considered ‘decent’ for habitation. Its inception aimed to ensure that all social housing could provide a safe and healthy environment for the occupants.

The Four Criteria of a Decent Home

To be deemed ‘decent’, a home must meet four criteria:

It must be free from serious hazards: Guided by the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS), any home classified as decent should not pose serious risks to the health and safety of occupants.

It must be in a reasonable state of repair: Homes should not suffer from major disrepair issues. Crucial elements like roofing, windows, and structural components must be in good condition.

It must have reasonably modern facilities: A decent home should have up-to-date basic amenities, including kitchens less than 20 years old and bathrooms less than 30 years old, to ensure comfort and functionality.

It must have efficient heating and insulation: To ensure thermal comfort, homes should have effective heating systems and proper insulation.

The Impact on Social Housing

Since its establishment, the Decent Homes Standard has had a significant impact on social housing. Landlords have been incentivised to upgrade and maintain their properties, which has:

Improved living conditions: Tenants now enjoy safer, more comfortable homes.

Reduced health inequalities: By eradicating hazards, there’s been a notable improvement in the wellbeing of occupants.

Enhanced energy efficiency: Upgraded insulation and heating systems have led to lower energy bills and reduced carbon footprints.

Challenges and Progress

Despite its success, the journey to ensuring all homes meet the Decent Homes Standard has not been without challenges. Funding limitations, logistical hurdles, and varying degrees of compliance have been significant obstacles. However, continued efforts and investments have been steadily overcoming these barriers.

The Role of Property Professionals

For letting agents, landlords, and property managers, understanding and adhering to the Decent Homes Standard is crucial. Not only does it ensure compliance with legal obligations, but it also fosters trust with tenants and enhances the reputation of their services.

Property professionals must conduct regular inspections and maintenance to keep up with the standard. Moreover, they should stay informed about any updates to housing regulations to ensure their properties remain compliant.

The Future of Housing Standards

Looking ahead, the Decent Homes Standard is likely to evolve to incorporate sustainability and smart technology, reflecting the changing landscape of what is considered ‘decent’ living.


The Decent Homes Standard serves as an essential framework in the UK’s pursuit of quality housing for all. It exemplifies a commitment to the health, safety, and comfort of tenants while setting a clear benchmark for landlords and housing authorities. As we advance, it is paramount that all stakeholders in the housing sector continue to embrace and contribute to these standards, ensuring they adapt to the ever-evolving definition of a ‘decent’ home.

Utilising No Letting Go’s property management services can be pivotal in ensuring that rental properties not only meet but maintain the criteria set out by the Decent Homes Standard. Here’s why:

1. Professional Inspections and Audits
No Letting Go provides professional property inspections which are essential in identifying potential health and safety hazards, ensuring that homes are free from serious risks as outlined by the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS), which is a key component of the Decent Homes Standard.

2. Detailed Inventory Reports
Their inventory reports are thorough and detailed, documenting the state of repair for various property elements. This can help in ensuring that properties are kept in a reasonable state of repair, another requirement of the standard.

3. Regular Maintenance Checks
By conducting regular maintenance checks, No Letting Go helps to promptly address any issues of disrepair before they become serious, thereby preserving the integrity of the property and ensuring it has modern facilities and amenities.

4. Energy Efficiency Advice
No Letting Go can provide advice and services that help improve the energy efficiency of a property, ensuring it has efficient heating and insulation. This not only helps landlords meet the Decent Homes Standard but can also reduce the property’s carbon footprint and heating costs.

5. Compliance with Current Legislation
No Letting Go stays abreast of the latest in property legislation, including updates to the Decent Homes Standard. This means landlords and agents can rest assured that their properties remain compliant with current regulations.

6. Addressing Issues Swiftly
With regular checks, No Letting Go can identify and address issues like damp, mould, or structural problems quickly, ensuring they do not escalate into more significant problems that could breach the Decent Homes criteria.

7. Quality Assurance
Their services offer a guarantee of quality and accuracy, which gives landlords and agents the assurance that the property inspections and reports are reliable and can stand up to scrutiny if required.

8. Tenant Satisfaction
By ensuring properties meet the Decent Homes Standard, No Letting Go helps to increase tenant satisfaction and retention, as tenants are more likely to stay in a home that is well-maintained and comfortable.

9. Dispute Resolution
In case of disputes, particularly at the end of tenancies, No Letting Go’s detailed reports and inspections can provide clear evidence to resolve issues fairly and in accordance with the Decent Homes criteria.

10. Future-Proofing Properties
No Letting Go’s commitment to incorporating the latest technology and best practices in property management means that they are well-positioned to adapt to future changes in the Decent Homes Standard, keeping properties ahead of the curve.

In summary, using No Letting Go’s services provides landlords and letting agents with a robust framework for managing their properties in line with the Decent Homes Standard. This partnership not only ensures compliance but also elevates the standard of living for tenants and preserves the value of the property assets over time.

In the realm of property inventory management, No Letting Go has emerged as a beacon of excellence and reliability. With a plethora of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of the property sector, No Letting Go has carved a niche for itself, ensuring that properties across the UK are safe, compliant, and well-managed. Among its vast array of offerings, three services stand out due to their popularity and effectiveness: inventories, mid-term inspections, and check-outs. Let’s delve into the success of these services and understand what sets them apart.

  1. Inventories: The Foundation of Property Management

The inventory service provided by No Letting Go serves as the bedrock for any tenancy agreement. It offers a detailed record of the property’s condition at the start of a tenancy, ensuring that both landlords and tenants have a clear understanding of the property’s state. This comprehensive documentation acts as a protective shield, preventing potential disputes and misunderstandings down the line.

  1. Mid-Term Inspections: Ensuring Continuous Compliance

Regular inspections during a tenancy are crucial to ensure that the property remains in good condition and any arising issues are promptly addressed. No Letting Go’s mid-term inspection service offers a thorough check, identifying potential problems and ensuring that tenants are adhering to their contractual obligations. This proactive approach not only maintains the property’s condition but also fosters a positive landlord-tenant relationship.

  1. Check-Outs: Concluding Tenancies with Clarity

As a tenancy draws to a close, the check-out service becomes indispensable. No Letting Go’s meticulous approach ensures that the property’s condition at the end of the tenancy is compared with the initial inventory, highlighting any damages or changes. This clear comparison ensures that any deductions from the deposit are fair and justified, minimising disputes.

The Pillars of No Letting Go’s Success

Several factors contribute to the success of these popular services:

– Ease of Booking and Tracking: With a 24/7 online booking portal, property professionals can effortlessly book and track reports, ensuring timely and efficient service delivery.

– Guaranteed Protection: No Letting Go takes pride in its guarantee that properties are safeguarded by their reports. Their end-of-tenancy check-out, in particular, assigns responsibility, be it to the tenant or landlord. Impressively, less than 0.01% of these reports end up in adjudication, as reported by My Deposits.

– Audit Trail: A unique feature of No Letting Go’s system is the presence of an audit trail on each job. This trail ensures transparency, accountability, and can be instrumental in managing disputes and maintaining service levels.

– Tailored Services: Recognising the diverse needs of the property sector, from large national agents to small independents, No Letting Go offers bespoke solutions. Whether it’s a complete outsource service, leveraging their Kaptur software for in-house inventory management, or a combination of both, clients receive services that seamlessly integrate with their operations.

In Conclusion

No Letting Go’s commitment to excellence, combined with its tech-driven approach and customer-centric services, has solidified its position as a leader in property inventory management. The success of its most popular services – inventories, mid-term inspections, and check-outs – is a testament to its dedication to ensuring safe, compliant, and harmonious tenancies across the UK.

Our perception of homeownership is changing. For the vast majority, buying a property used to seem like a natural step, but it’s now predicted that by 2025 over 50% of adults under the age of 40 will be in private rented accommodation. In the UK, demand from renters is 43% higher than the last five-year average.

So what’s driving this change, is it set to continue, and what will be the impact on landlords?


The advantages of renting

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons more people are choosing to rent is because the rental market, once subject to rumours of unscrupulous landlords and high rents, has evolved and is perceived as a more progressive market that accommodates people’s needs. Renting is seen as advantageous because:

• You don’t have to worry about maintenance costs, unlike homeowners.
• It’s easier and quicker to rent than to buy a home.
• Financially it’s less of a burden; a smaller deposit is required, monthly rent can be cheaper than a mortgage repayment, there is no home insurance, solicitors’ fees or stamp duty.
• Tenancy terms can vary to suit needs, so planning for a future move is easier.
• More controls in the rental market mean tenants enjoy more legal protection.
• No danger of the negative equity trap


The barriers to getting on the property ladder

Perhaps the most significant impact on the rental market has been people’s ability to buy a home. Many find themselves unable to get a foot on the property ladder, particularly affecting the younger generation. It has been suggested that up to a third of millennials may never own their own home, while half will rent into their forties. This isn’t just linked to the difficulty of saving up a deposit. High house prices mean more expensive mortgage repayments; coupled with tighter lending requirements, it is harder to get a mortgage.


Unstable personal finances

The rise in house prices is compounded by wages stagnating while the cost of living is increasing. Even if finances were there to buy a home, many are put off by the perception that the housing market can be unstable and may trap you in a property that no longer suits your needs.

Whether driven by financial considerations or a general change in societal attitudes, people are now making different lifestyle choices, including more social living. Searches for UK-based co-living rental opportunities increasing by 4000% in the last four years, and the build to rent sector continues to grow, offering an exciting option for tenants.

Offering amenities such as gyms and concierge services, build to rent properties offer a different lifestyle in sought-after locations with the flexibility of long and short term tenancy periods. This seems to be speaking loudly to many people who feel that their homes should provide the flexibility to meet the demands of life today.

For landlords and agents who have well-managed properties to offer and who listen to their tenants’ needs and the market, the prospects are good. Renting is seen as an exciting alternative to homeownership, with the potential to offer something more aligned to how people are living and working today.


No Letting Go

Contact No Letting Go today if you would like to discuss how our local support or national network at No Letting Go could become your inventory partner, streamlining your costs and reducing your workload.

The home buying and rental markets have faired well over the past couple of years, despite the challenges presented by the pandemic and possibly because of government help. But as we head into 2022, should we expect to see a continued buoyancy in the market?

While no one is predicting a sudden or dramatic decline in the housing market, it looks as though there is some uncertainty over how much will change.


What’s affecting the property market?

We’ve seen a resilient housing market over the past couple of years. The stamp duty holiday and the desire for people to move out of cities and find open space during lockdown or an extra room for a home office to accommodate new working from home lifestyles have all helped to drive demand in the purchase and rental sectors.

However, the stamp duty holiday has ended, and we see life returning more to the “status quo ante” than predicted, so how will people respond?

We also see an increased cost of living, higher interest rates and general economic uncertainty, all of which will affect the confidence of tenants and homeowners, but to what extent? The housing markets looks uncertain; however, some key themes are prevailing, which we’ll try to draw our predictions from.


Nine key predictions for 2022

Early predictions for 2022 already suggest the following:

• Economic uncertainty persuades homeowners to stay put, reducing the number of sales instructions compared to a more buoyant market in 2021.
• A reduced supply of houses to the market will see house prices increase. To what extent is debatable, but prices should level out through the year.
• A lack of properties in the rental market will also continue the ongoing increases in rental prices.
• However, rises in house prices could encourage more homeowners to sell their homes, ameliorating the supply of stock in the market.
• Increasing rental legislation and rising house prices may lead to more landlords selling their rental properties, putting further pressure on the rental market. Energy-efficient, new-build homes continue to be in demand, but supply will struggle to meet demand as shortages in materials and labour continue to have an impact.
• Homes in city centres will increase in popularity again as people head back to work in the cities to avoid commuting. However, there may still be a continued drawn to the suburbs as employees make hybrid working arrangements permanent.
• Build to rent will continue to grow and diversify to include the individual house market, rather than just flats. Big names, including John Lewis, are entering the market and attracting investors enticed by this booming market.
• The delayed Renters Reform Bill is expected to take effect this year and will encourage more people to consider the rental market as their next home because of the greater protection enjoyed by tenants.


A positive outlook for the future

An uncertain economic environment may still have a cooling effect on the housing market. Still, we expect cautious optimism after people see the worst of the pandemic recede behind them. This will probably be enough to keep the market moving and give cause for a more positive outlook on the year ahead.


No Letting Go

If you would like to discuss how our local support or national network at No Letting Go could streamline your cost and reduce your workload as your inventory partner, then contact No Letting Go today.

No Letting Go are proud to announce that we have been SHORTLISTED for a prestigious ESTAS customer service award! To be announced in October 2021.

ESTAS honour the best agents, conveyancers, mortgage advisors and suppliers in the UK.

The annual ESTAS awards occur in Spring and Autumn, attracting the top players in the UK’s property and lettings industry.

The ESTAS Supplier Awards recognise supplier firms who have delivered the best customer experience to their respective agency, conveyancer and broker clients in 2020.

Now in their 11th year, the supplier categories have become an integral part of the annual ESTAS competition providing a badge of excellence that is instantly recognisable by agents and highlights a supplier’s commitment to quality service.

Twenty-eight supplier firms have made this year’s shortlist across various product sectors. Property professionals in the last year submitted a record total of 9,500 reviews.

ESTAS Brand Ambassador Phil Spencer will announce the winners at the 18th annual ESTAS Awards on 22nd October. Spencer said, “the industry’s leading suppliers are instrumental in helping property professionals provide excellent service, they are an extension of that experience so the service they deliver is crucial, it’s therefore only right that ESTAS puts the spotlight on their efforts.”

No Letting Go said, “We’re absolutely delighted to have made it on to this year’s shortlist. We are passionate about the level of service we deliver to our clients and this proves all the hard work the team put in has paid off”.

Renting with pets

We’ve learned over the past year how much of a comfort pets have been for many people during lockdown. The government is keen to make it easier for dwellers in private rented accommodation to enjoy the benefits of living with a furry friend and is taking steps to encourage more landlords to allow pets.

What’s changed

A BBC report found that only 7% of landlords offer pet-friendly accommodation. In a move to increase this, the government has introduced a new model tenancy agreement that allows renters to seek consent for pets as a default, requiring the landlord to provide written refusal within 28 days, providing good reasons for their refusal. It’s not a legal requirement to use the modal tenancy agreement, but there is a drive-in parliament to make these changes a legal requirement.

What does this mean for agents?

Letting agents want to strike the right balance between ensuring that additional wear and tear or damage caused by pets is managed without excluding potential tenants because of pet ownership. Also, on the positive side, pet owners are often mindful not to abuse a landlord’s trust, and they also tend to look for longer tenancies because they know how difficult it is to find properties that allow pets.

In our post Renting with pets: A landlord’s guide, we discuss key considerations when allowing pets in rental properties, but there are additional measures to consider to minimise the impact of pets on a property:

  • Requiring pet insurance: This can cover accidental property damage.
  • Landlord references: Confirm from previous landlords the acceptable behaviour of the animal and the tenant as a courteous pet owner.
  • Proof of vaccinations: This helps prevent flea infestations and ensures the good health of the pet.
  • Charger higher rent: You may be entitled to charge a small additional amount to cover the cost of wear and tear.

Add protection with regular property inspections.

Regular inspections of rental properties are always advisable as a means of protecting your landlord’s investment. Still, if you have pet-owner tenants, property checks will also pick up any damage caused by their pets, such as chewed woodwork, damaged furniture or smells. You can then work with the tenant to resolve the issues or decide if the arrangement needs reviewing.

Delays to repairs can stall renting out to the next tenants and increases overall costs, which regular checks can prevent. It’s also advisable to ensure a thorough end of tenancy cleaning regime to remove pet hair and smells, especially if your next tenant isn’t a pet owner or could have pet allergies.

When your new tenants move into a cared-for, clean property, you’re setting their expectations for how your property should be looked after. To create the best impression, an end of tenancy clean will show your new tenants the property in the best condition possible.

What’s involved in an end of tenancy clean? 

The purpose of an end of tenancy clean is to deep clean a rental property before the next tenant moves in, which is particularly important in the shadow of Covid-19 and with people’s enhanced concern over health.

The depth of cleaning doesn’t just refer to how clean a place is but also what is cleaned. A deep clean ensures the removal of dirt, hair, grease, stains and limescale throughout the property, including ovens, white goods, soft furnishings, cupboards and even outdoor spaces.

Why have an end of tenancy clean?

As a landlord or agent, you should only expect the tenants to maintain the property to the standard they found when they first moved in. Good tenants will strive to keep to this standard so that they don’t risk losing their deposit, but even with the best of intentions, they may not be able to meet the professional standard you want for your next tenants.

While setting the right standard is the fundamental reason for end of tenancy cleaning, there are knock-on effects:

  • Making your property an attractive prospect for potential new tenants to increase rental success.
  • Letting agents can reassure landlords that their property is being well kept by maintaining clear and high cleaning standards.
  • Professional end-of-tenancy cleans can be done quickly to minimise periods between tenancies.
  • Professional cleaning services are familiar with working to an inventory and achieving the required standards.
  • Well maintained properties are more likely to achieve the desired rental income.

How to set the standard for your end-of-tenancy cleaning

The cleanliness of a property is the leading cause of deposit disputes between landlords and tenants, but these can easily be avoided. Rather than relying on individual interpretations of “clean”, the check-in and check-out inventories can be essential tools for defining expectations. When they are set, the end of tenancy clean then becomes an essential means of preparing for the end of tenancy and pre-tenancy checks.

Using the check-in inventories and cleaning schedules provides clear details against which tenants, landlords, and agents can assess. With the addition of photographs to any written comments, it becomes clear for all to see any difference in standards of cleanliness. This mitigates the risk of disputes, making it easy to deduct money from the deposit to clean where there is good reason and avoid third-party arbitration, which saves time and expense.

As a landlord or letting agent, you want a good reputation; maintaining a clean and healthy environment for tenants will go a long way to achieving that while ensuring they take good care of your property investment. If you are looking for a professional end of tenancy cleaning service, Kompleet offers a fast and thorough service at competitive prices.

No Letting Go

If you would like to discuss how our local support or national network at No Letting Go could become your property management partner, streamlining your costs, reducing your workload and protecting your investment with accurate property inventories and checks, then contact us today.