Fire doors are a crucial component of a building’s passive fire protection system, serving as the first line of defense against the spread of fire and smoke. Understanding fire door compliance is not only a matter of legal necessity but also a critical aspect of ensuring the safety of occupants. This blog delves into the essential aspects of fire door compliance, offering insights for property owners, managers, and developers on how to navigate these regulations effectively.

The Importance of Fire Doors

Fire doors play a pivotal role in safeguarding escape routes, compartmentalizing buildings to prevent the spread of fire and smoke, and allowing occupants precious time to evacuate safely. Their importance in public buildings, residential complexes, and commercial properties cannot be overstated.

Key Compliance Standards

In the UK, fire door compliance is governed by several regulations and standards, including the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) and building regulations contained within Approved Document B. The FSO mandates that fire safety measures in commercial and non-domestic premises are upheld, which includes the proper specification, installation, and maintenance of fire doors.

Specification and Installation

A compliant fire door must meet the British Standards BS 476-22 or the European Standard BS EN 1634-1. These specifications cover the door’s integrity and insulation capabilities, ensuring it can withstand fire for a minimum specified period, typically ranging from 30 minutes (FD30) to 120 minutes (FD120).
Proper installation is equally crucial. Fire doors must be fitted with the correct frame, intumescent strips, and seals to ensure they perform as expected in the event of a fire. All components of a fire door, including hinges, door closers, and locks, must be CE marked and compatible with the door’s fire rating.

Inspection and Maintenance

Regular inspections and maintenance are vital to ensure fire doors remain compliant and functional. The British Woodworking Federation (BWF) recommends a six-monthly inspection cycle for fire doors. Key checks include:
• Ensuring the door closes properly from any position
• Checking for damage to the door and frame
• Inspecting seals and intumescent strips for integrity
• Verifying that all components are correctly fitted and in good working order

Property owners and managers should keep a maintenance log for each fire door, documenting inspections, repairs, and replacements.

Common Compliance Issues

Non-compliance with fire door regulations can stem from several issues, such as using non-certified components, incorrect installation, lack of regular inspections, and failure to address identified faults promptly. Awareness and rectification of these common pitfalls are essential for compliance.

The Role of Professionals

Given the complexity of fire door regulations, consulting with fire safety professionals is advisable. Certified fire door inspectors can provide detailed assessments, ensuring compliance and offering peace of mind that the fire doors will perform as required.

Fire door compliance is a critical aspect of building safety that demands attention to detail, from specification and installation to ongoing maintenance. By adhering to the regulations and engaging with professionals for inspections and maintenance, property owners can ensure their buildings are not only legally compliant but, more importantly, safe for all occupants. Remember, in fire safety, there is no room for compromise.

In the intricate ballet of property management, the creation of meticulous documentation is not just a step – it’s a grand jeté. It’s a leap that can elevate the management process, minimise disputes, and enhance the value of your property portfolio. At No Letting Go, we’ve mastered this art, and we’re here to share some essential tips and tricks that can help ensure your property documentation is as precise as it is effective.


Start with a Clear Framework

Define the Scope: Before diving into the details, establish a clear framework for what your documentation will cover. Decide the extent of inventory, the frequency of inspections, and the specific areas that require attention.

Stay Organised: Use a consistent format for all your documents. This not only streamlines the process but also makes it easier for anyone reviewing the documents to find the information they need quickly.


Embrace Technology

Use Specialised Software: With No Letting Go’s Kaptur software, you can ensure accuracy and save time. It allows you to capture data on-site and generate online reports easily and instantly.

Digital Storage: Keep your documents safe and accessible by storing them digitally. Cloud-based solutions offer backups and easy retrieval, which is invaluable in case of disputes or audits.


Pay Attention to Detail

Be Thorough: When conducting inventories or inspections, it’s the small details that often lead to the biggest disputes. Note the condition of fixtures, the quality of finishes, and even the brand of appliances.

Photographic Evidence: A picture speaks a thousand words. Incorporate date-stamped photographs to support your written documentation, providing visual proof of the property’s condition.


Regular Updates Are Key

Schedule Regular Inspections: Properties evolve with wear and tear. Regular inspections and updates to your documentation will reflect the property’s current state and help anticipate future maintenance needs.

Review and Revise: Legislation and property standards change. Regularly review your documentation practices to ensure they remain compliant with current laws and industry best practices.


Communication Is Crucial

Clear Language: Use clear, concise language in your reports. Avoid jargon that may confuse tenants or stakeholders.

Involve Tenants: When tenants are involved in the inventory process, they are more likely to understand and agree with the documentation. This can lead to fewer disputes down the line.


Training and Expertise

Invest in Training: Ensure that those responsible for creating property documentation are well-trained and understand the importance of their role.

Seek Expert Assistance: Sometimes, the best tip is to know when to call in the experts. At No Letting Go, our team of professional property inventory clerks are equipped with the knowledge and tools to create impeccable property documentation.


The Finishing Touches

Final Review: Always perform a final review of the documentation before signing off. This last look is your safety net to catch any missed details.

Secure Sign-offs: Use digital signing services to secure sign-offs from all parties. This adds a layer of security and formality to the documentation process.


In Summary

The art of creating meticulous property documentation is a skill honed with patience, precision, and the right tools. By following these tips and tricks, and with the support of No Letting Go’s services, you can craft documents that stand the test of time and protect both your property and your peace of mind. Remember, in the realm of property management, it’s not just about having documents – it’s about having the right ones.


Utilising No Letting Go’s property management services can be pivotal in ensuring that rental properties not only meet but maintain the criteria set out by the Decent Homes Standard. Here’s why:

1. Professional Inspections and Audits
No Letting Go provides professional property inspections which are essential in identifying potential health and safety hazards, ensuring that homes are free from serious risks as outlined by the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS), which is a key component of the Decent Homes Standard.

2. Detailed Inventory Reports
Their inventory reports are thorough and detailed, documenting the state of repair for various property elements. This can help in ensuring that properties are kept in a reasonable state of repair, another requirement of the standard.

3. Regular Maintenance Checks
By conducting regular maintenance checks, No Letting Go helps to promptly address any issues of disrepair before they become serious, thereby preserving the integrity of the property and ensuring it has modern facilities and amenities.

4. Energy Efficiency Advice
No Letting Go can provide advice and services that help improve the energy efficiency of a property, ensuring it has efficient heating and insulation. This not only helps landlords meet the Decent Homes Standard but can also reduce the property’s carbon footprint and heating costs.

5. Compliance with Current Legislation
No Letting Go stays abreast of the latest in property legislation, including updates to the Decent Homes Standard. This means landlords and agents can rest assured that their properties remain compliant with current regulations.

6. Addressing Issues Swiftly
With regular checks, No Letting Go can identify and address issues like damp, mould, or structural problems quickly, ensuring they do not escalate into more significant problems that could breach the Decent Homes criteria.

7. Quality Assurance
Their services offer a guarantee of quality and accuracy, which gives landlords and agents the assurance that the property inspections and reports are reliable and can stand up to scrutiny if required.

8. Tenant Satisfaction
By ensuring properties meet the Decent Homes Standard, No Letting Go helps to increase tenant satisfaction and retention, as tenants are more likely to stay in a home that is well-maintained and comfortable.

9. Dispute Resolution
In case of disputes, particularly at the end of tenancies, No Letting Go’s detailed reports and inspections can provide clear evidence to resolve issues fairly and in accordance with the Decent Homes criteria.

10. Future-Proofing Properties
No Letting Go’s commitment to incorporating the latest technology and best practices in property management means that they are well-positioned to adapt to future changes in the Decent Homes Standard, keeping properties ahead of the curve.

In summary, using No Letting Go’s services provides landlords and letting agents with a robust framework for managing their properties in line with the Decent Homes Standard. This partnership not only ensures compliance but also elevates the standard of living for tenants and preserves the value of the property assets over time.

In the realm of property inventory management, No Letting Go has emerged as a beacon of excellence and reliability. With a plethora of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of the property sector, No Letting Go has carved a niche for itself, ensuring that properties across the UK are safe, compliant, and well-managed. Among its vast array of offerings, three services stand out due to their popularity and effectiveness: inventories, mid-term inspections, and check-outs. Let’s delve into the success of these services and understand what sets them apart.

  1. Inventories: The Foundation of Property Management

The inventory service provided by No Letting Go serves as the bedrock for any tenancy agreement. It offers a detailed record of the property’s condition at the start of a tenancy, ensuring that both landlords and tenants have a clear understanding of the property’s state. This comprehensive documentation acts as a protective shield, preventing potential disputes and misunderstandings down the line.

  1. Mid-Term Inspections: Ensuring Continuous Compliance

Regular inspections during a tenancy are crucial to ensure that the property remains in good condition and any arising issues are promptly addressed. No Letting Go’s mid-term inspection service offers a thorough check, identifying potential problems and ensuring that tenants are adhering to their contractual obligations. This proactive approach not only maintains the property’s condition but also fosters a positive landlord-tenant relationship.

  1. Check-Outs: Concluding Tenancies with Clarity

As a tenancy draws to a close, the check-out service becomes indispensable. No Letting Go’s meticulous approach ensures that the property’s condition at the end of the tenancy is compared with the initial inventory, highlighting any damages or changes. This clear comparison ensures that any deductions from the deposit are fair and justified, minimising disputes.

The Pillars of No Letting Go’s Success

Several factors contribute to the success of these popular services:

– Ease of Booking and Tracking: With a 24/7 online booking portal, property professionals can effortlessly book and track reports, ensuring timely and efficient service delivery.

– Guaranteed Protection: No Letting Go takes pride in its guarantee that properties are safeguarded by their reports. Their end-of-tenancy check-out, in particular, assigns responsibility, be it to the tenant or landlord. Impressively, less than 0.01% of these reports end up in adjudication, as reported by My Deposits.

– Audit Trail: A unique feature of No Letting Go’s system is the presence of an audit trail on each job. This trail ensures transparency, accountability, and can be instrumental in managing disputes and maintaining service levels.

– Tailored Services: Recognising the diverse needs of the property sector, from large national agents to small independents, No Letting Go offers bespoke solutions. Whether it’s a complete outsource service, leveraging their Kaptur software for in-house inventory management, or a combination of both, clients receive services that seamlessly integrate with their operations.

In Conclusion

No Letting Go’s commitment to excellence, combined with its tech-driven approach and customer-centric services, has solidified its position as a leader in property inventory management. The success of its most popular services – inventories, mid-term inspections, and check-outs – is a testament to its dedication to ensuring safe, compliant, and harmonious tenancies across the UK.

Delving into HHSRS: The Importance of Recognising Category 1 and 2 Hazards

The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) stands as a pivotal assessment tool in the UK’s housing sector. Designed to evaluate potential risks and hazards in residential properties, the HHSRS plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of occupants. Central to this system are the categorisations of hazards into two distinct groups: Category 1 and Category 2. This article delves deep into the significance of these categories and underscores the importance of recognising and addressing them.

Understanding the HHSRS Framework

Before diving into the categories, it’s essential to grasp the overarching framework of HHSRS. Introduced under the Housing Act 2004, the HHSRS evaluates housing conditions and identifies potential hazards that might harm the health and safety of current or future occupants. The system is not about setting a standard but rather about identifying and mitigating risks.

Category 1 Hazards: The Critical Concerns

Category 1 hazards are those deemed to pose the most severe risk to the health and safety of occupants. If a local housing authority identifies a Category 1 hazard in a property, they are legally obligated to take action. These hazards can range from structural issues, such as collapsing roofs, to environmental concerns like severe dampness and mould growth. The primary characteristic of Category 1 hazards is their immediate and severe threat to life and well-being.

Category 2 Hazards: Lesser but Significant

While not as immediately dire as Category 1 hazards, Category 2 hazards still present significant concerns that can adversely affect the health and safety of residents. These might include issues like inadequate lighting, minor electrical faults, or less severe dampness. While local authorities are not legally bound to act upon identifying a Category 2 hazard, they do possess the discretion to intervene if deemed necessary.

The Importance of Recognising These Hazards

Resident Safety: The primary purpose of the HHSRS is to safeguard the health and well-being of occupants. Recognising and addressing both Category 1 and 2 hazards ensures that residents are not exposed to conditions that could harm them.

  1. Legal Implications: For landlords and property managers, understanding these categories is crucial from a legal standpoint. Failing to address Category 1 hazards can lead to significant legal repercussions, including hefty fines and potential legal action.
  2. Property Value: Beyond the immediate health concerns, unaddressed hazards can significantly devalue a property. Structural issues, dampness, and other such problems can deter potential tenants or buyers, impacting the property’s market value.
  3. Long-term Savings: Addressing hazards promptly, especially when they are in Category 2, can lead to long-term savings. Early intervention can prevent minor issues from escalating into major, cost-intensive problems.
  4. Reputation Management: For landlords and property management firms, addressing hazards is also a matter of reputation. Ensuring properties are safe and hazard-free enhances credibility and trustworthiness in the market

The HHSRS serves as a beacon, guiding the housing sector towards safer, healthier living conditions. Recognising and understanding the significance of Category 1 and 2 hazards is not just a regulatory necessity but a moral obligation to ensure the safety and well-being of residents. By staying informed and proactive, landlords and property managers can create environments that are not only compliant but truly conducive to healthy living.


Future-Proofing Property Management: No Letting Go’s Tech-Driven Property Inventory Software Approach

In the dynamic landscape of property management, staying ahead of the curve is not just a luxury but a necessity. As the property sector grapples with increasing demands and ever-evolving challenges, the need for innovative solutions becomes paramount. Leading the charge in this transformative journey is No Letting Go, a renowned name in the UK’s property inventory management sector. With a tech-driven property inventory software approach, No Letting Go is redefining the future of property management. Let’s delve into their pioneering strategies and understand how they are future-proofing property management.

Embracing the Digital Shift

The traditional property management methods, characterised by manual record-keeping and paper-based systems, are no longer sustainable in today’s fast-paced world. Recognising this, No Letting Go has seamlessly transitioned to digital platforms, ensuring accurate, fully compliant property reporting. This shift enhances efficiency and ensures that property managers and landlords can access vital information whenever and wherever they need it.

The Power of Cloud Computing

Central to No Letting Go’s tech-driven property inventory software approach is its robust cloud-based property inventory management system. This innovative system offers a plethora of benefits:

24/7 Accessibility: Whether you’re in the office or on the move, the cloud-based system ensures that property data is always at your fingertips.
Real-time Updates: Every change is instantly recorded and reflected from property conditions to inventory additions, ensuring all stakeholders are always in the loop.
Efficient Report Management: With an online booking portal, property professionals can manage all inventory ordering and report management with a simple click, streamlining operations and reducing delivery times.
Data Security and Integrity: The cloud infrastructure ensures that data is secure from breaches and consistently backed up, preventing any potential data loss.

The Significance of Audit Trails

A standout feature of No Letting Go’s system is the presence of an audit trail on each job. This trail is more than just a record; it’s a testament to transparency and accountability. Every change, every update, and every modification is meticulously logged, providing a precise chronology of events. This audit trail is invaluable in the following ways:

Dispute Resolution: Should disagreements arise, the audit trail serves as an unbiased record, aiding in swift and fair resolutions.
Ensuring Compliance: In an industry rife with regulations, the audit trail ensures that all actions are compliant with prevailing laws and standards.
Maintaining Service Levels: By tracking every job’s progress, No Letting Go ensures that service levels are consistently met, reinforcing their commitment to excellence.

A Tailored Experience

Understanding that one size doesn’t fit all, No Letting Go offers tailored services to its diverse clientele. From prominent national agents to small independents, clients are provided with a bespoke solution that aligns with their unique needs and processes. Whether a complete outsource service or leveraging No Letting Go’s Kaptur software for in-house inventory management, clients are assured of a solution that seamlessly integrates with their operations.

In conclusion, as the property management sector stands at the cusp of a technological revolution, No Letting Go is leading the way with its forward-thinking, tech-driven property inventory software approach. By harnessing the power of digital solutions and cloud computing and by emphasising transparency and customisation, No Letting Go is not just future-proofing property management but setting new industry benchmarks.

From Booking to Tracking: Streamlining Property Management with No Letting Go the Property Inventory Management Specialist

In the ever-evolving world of property management, landlords and agents are constantly seeking ways to streamline their processes, ensuring compliance, accuracy, and efficiency. Enter No Letting Go, the UK’s leading property inventory management specialist, dedicated to creating fully-compliant property reporting tailored to individual needs. Let’s delve into how No Letting Go revolutionises the property management journey from booking to tracking.

1. Comprehensive Property Reporting Services

No Letting Go offers a plethora of property reporting services, with the three most popular being inventories, mid-term inspections, and check-outs. These services stand out because of their user-friendly booking and tracking features. Moreover, the end-of-tenancy check-out assigns tenant/landlord responsibilities, ensuring that any arising disputes are promptly addressed. Impressively, less than 0.01% of these reports end up in adjudication, as reported by My Deposits.

2. 24/7 Online Booking Portal

The cloud-based property inventory management system by No Letting Go is a game-changer for both national and local agents. This unique system offers an audit trail for each job, assisting in dispute management and ensuring service levels are met. The system’s efficiency has led to reduced delivery times for agents and property managers. Plus, clients can access any report, regardless of its age.

3. National Coverage with a Personal Touch

With over 80 offices nationwide, No Letting Go caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from large national agents to small independents. Clients benefit from a booking and tracking portal tailored to their needs. They can choose to interact centrally or with the nearest local office. Whether clients prefer an outsourced service, the Kaptur software for in-house inventory management, or a combination of both, No Letting Go ensures a seamless experience aligned with their systems and processes.

4. Commitment to Excellence

At the heart of No Letting Go’s operations are its core values: reliability, consistency, and accountability. In an industry rife with legislation, the company strives to offer the best compliant property reporting services. By embedding these values into their team and leveraging technology solutions, they enhance the customer experience, ensuring that properties are adequately protected by their reports.

5. Partnerships that Matter

No Letting Go collaborates with leading organisations to bolster the rented sector with their top-notch property management services. This synergy ensures that clients receive the best in the industry, further solidifying No Letting Go’s position as a trusted property inventory management specialist.

In conclusion, No Letting Go is not just a property inventory management specialist; it’s a partner in the truest sense. By offering a range of services tailored to individual needs and ensuring a seamless experience from booking to tracking, they are setting new standards in property management. Whether you’re a landlord, an agent, or a property manager, partnering with No Letting Go means ensuring accuracy, compliance, and peace of mind.

Optimising Property Management Reporting Services: The Role of Reliability, Consistency, and Accountability at No Letting Go

In the intricate realm of property management, the significance of reliable reporting services cannot be overstated. It forms the bedrock of trust between landlords, agents, and tenants. No Letting Go, a leading name in the UK’s property inventory management landscape, has set the gold standard in this domain. At the heart of their success lie three core values: reliability, consistency, and accountability. Let’s explore how these principles are shaping the future of property reporting at No Letting Go.

1. Reliability: Building Trust in Every Report

No Letting Go’s commitment to creating accurate, fully-compliant property reports has earned them the trust of landlords and agents across the UK. With over 10 different report services on offer, they ensure that each report, whether it’s an inventory, mid-term inspection, or check-out, is meticulously crafted. Their end-of-tenancy check-out, for instance, clearly assigns tenant/landlord responsibilities, ensuring clarity and reducing potential disputes. It’s no wonder that less than 0.01% of their reports end up in adjudication.

2. Consistency: The Promise of Uniform Excellence

In an industry marked by ever-increasing legislation, consistency in service delivery is paramount. No Letting Go achieves this through their cloud-based property inventory management system. This unique platform allows agents, both national and local, to manage all inventory orders and report management seamlessly. An audit trail on each job ensures that service levels are consistently met, and disputes, if any, are managed efficiently.

3. Accountability: Taking Ownership of Every Detail

Accountability is not just about taking responsibility; it’s about delivering on promises. No Letting Go’s approach to property reporting is a testament to this. Their guarantee that properties will be protected by their reports speaks volumes about their commitment to their clients. If a dispute arises, they don’t just wash their hands off it; they assist until it’s resolved.

4. Embedding Core Values in Technology and People

No Letting Go’s ethos is deeply embedded in their technology solutions and their team. Their online booking portal, available 24/7 for property professionals, is a testament to their commitment to making property reporting as streamlined as possible. With national coverage and over 80 offices, they ensure that their core values are reflected in every interaction, be it through a central point of contact or a local office.

5. A Partnership Approach to Property Management Reporting Services

No Letting Go’s collaborations with leading organisations in the rented sector further underscore their commitment to excellence. By working hand-in-hand with other industry leaders, they ensure that their clients receive nothing but the best services.

In conclusion, the world of property reporting is rife with challenges, from ever-evolving legislation to the intricate dynamics between landlords, agents, and tenants. In this complex landscape, No Letting Go stands out, not just for their top-level services, but for their unwavering commitment to reliability, consistency, and accountability. As they continue to set new benchmarks in property inventory management, one thing is clear: with No Letting Go, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re gaining a partner dedicated to excellence.

Understanding HHSRS: A Comprehensive Guide to Scoring and Inspections

When it comes to ensuring the safety and habitability of rental properties, landlords and property managers must be familiar with the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS). This assessment tool evaluates potential hazards in residential properties and helps to maintain high living standards. But how exactly does the HHSRS work? Let’s delve deeper into this essential aspect of property management.

Introduction to HHSRS

The HHSRS, introduced under the Housing Act 2004 in England and Wales, provides a risk-based evaluation tool for residential properties. Its principal aim is to identify and tackle potential hazards that could affect the health and safety of current occupants or visitors.

The HHSRS covers 29 categories of potential hazards, from damp and mould growth, excess cold/heat, to fire risks, and structural collapse hazards. Understanding these categories is crucial for landlords to ensure their properties provide a safe environment for tenants.

HHSRS Inspection Process

An HHSRS inspection is typically carried out by environmental health officers from the local authority. The process involves a thorough assessment of the property to identify any potential hazards. The officers use their professional judgment, alongside the HHSRS guidelines, to categorise and rate any hazards they find.

Understanding Category 1 and 2 Hazards

Identified hazards under HHSRS are classified into Category 1 or Category 2.

Category 1 hazards are the most severe, posing a serious threat to the health and safety of occupants. These can include issues like severe dampness, dangerous boilers, or inadequate fire precautions. If Category 1 hazards are identified, the local authority has a duty to take action.

Category 2 hazards, while not as severe as Category 1, can still negatively impact health and safety. Local authorities have discretionary powers to act upon these, depending on the situation.

Scoring the HHSRS

The HHSRS employs a scoring system based on the risk associated with the identified hazards. It evaluates the likelihood of an occurrence that could cause harm and the potential harm outcome over the next 12 months.

High scores typically denote Category 1 hazards and can lead to enforcement actions such as improvement notices, prohibition orders, hazard awareness notices, or even demolition orders.

Importance of HHSRS

The HHSRS provides a systematic approach to identifying and tackling property hazards. It allows for an objective, evidence-based assessment, helping landlords and property managers ensure their properties are safe and healthy environments for their tenants. It’s also worth noting that failing to address identified hazards could lead to legal repercussions and reputational damage.


As a landlord or property manager, understanding the HHSRS is fundamental to maintaining property standards and tenant safety. With the knowledge of what inspectors look for and how they score potential hazards, you can proactively manage your properties and ensure they are in line with the necessary health and safety standards.

Remember, providing a safe living environment isn’t just about meeting legal requirements – it’s about ensuring the wellbeing of your tenants, and that’s priceless.

Discovering the Top 3 Property Report Services at No Letting Go: Inventories, Mid-term Inspections, and Check-outs

In the real estate industry, maintaining high-quality property inventory management is crucial for both landlords and estate agents. At No Letting Go, we understand the importance of reliable, consistent, and accountable service provision. To cater to these needs, we offer a plethora of report services. However, three services stand out for their immense value to our clients: Inventories, Mid-term Inspections, and Check-outs. Here’s a deep dive into what makes these services indispensable.

  1. Inventories

Our comprehensive inventory service provides an in-depth record of a property’s condition and contents at the start of a tenancy. The report includes detailed descriptions of each room and its contents, supported by high-resolution photographs. This helps prevent misunderstandings or disputes about the property’s condition at the outset.

The inventory report is an invaluable tool in protecting landlords’ and tenants’ interests alike. For landlords, it provides evidence in case of disputes over damage or missing items. For tenants, it offers reassurance that they will not be held accountable for pre-existing issues.

  1. Mid-term Inspections

Regular inspections during the tenancy can help identify and address any issues before they escalate, maintaining the property’s value and tenants’ satisfaction. No Letting Go’s mid-term inspections service provides a snapshot of the property’s current condition, assessing cleanliness, repair, maintenance issues, and compliance with the tenancy agreement.

Our professional, unbiased inspectors carry out these checks, highlighting any areas of concern, such as unreported damage, signs of subletting, or potential health and safety hazards. An easy-to-read report with supporting photographs is then provided, enabling landlords and property managers to take any necessary action promptly.

  1. Check-outs

At the end of a tenancy, our check-out service assesses the property’s condition against the initial inventory, noting any changes or damages. This comprehensive report outlines who is responsible – tenant, landlord, or fair wear and tear – providing clear evidence if deductions from the tenant’s deposit are necessary.

No Letting Go’s meticulous approach to the check-out process ensures a fair and transparent process for both parties. We also provide support if any disputes arise, with less than 0.01% of our reports ending up in adjudication, as reported by My Deposits.

Conclusion: The No Letting Go Advantage

At No Letting Go, we use our unique cloud-based inventory management system to streamline our services. This technology enables us to reduce delivery times, manage disputes effectively, and ensure excellent service levels. Our online booking portal allows national and local agents to manage all inventory orders and reports at the push of a button, regardless of how old the report is.

Whether you’re a large national agency or a small independent, our mission is to provide a tailored service that aligns with your systems and processes while upholding our core values of reliability, consistency, and accountability. In a fast-paced, increasingly regulated industry, we offer the tools, expertise, and commitment to ensure your property management runs smoothly, efficiently, and with total compliance.